The time has come!

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,“To talk of many things…” So I’m a Mom, now. As you may or may not have guessed. And it turns out that motherhood is an incredible, challenging, super-hard, super-awesome, all-consuming thing. I’ve been writing more and more about it, as you may or may not have seen.  This […]

Sans Map

Having a child unfortunately doesn’t come with a roadmap. If it did, I feel it would resemble a plate of spaghetti. The beginning is almost too easy –  the little critters sleep for almost 20 hours a day, for crying out loud. Feed them, burp them, change them, bundle them up, and let them do […]

The Year of the iPhone

(iPhone photo taken at the Mummer’s Parade in Center City, Philadelphia, today) Perhaps you read the blog post a few weeks ago about how my daughter probably thinks my iPhone is an actual extension of my body. Since her birth, I’ve used the iPhone to track feedings, sift through forums to help decipher why my […]

Parenthood is a Constant and Continual War of Attrition

Jooste Household, Philadelphia, PA December 2013 BAM! Another binky hits the floor in protest. The sound echoes through the apartment and hits my eardrum like a sledgehammer. This is a new game: throw the binky on the floor, mom or dad comes in to retrieve it, clean it, and replace it. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Eventually, […]

Philadelphia Macy’s Christmas Light Show: Now and Then

My daughter will most likely have only vague -if any- memories of her first visit to the Macy’s Light Show today. My own memories of the show (and Santa train ride along the bannister of the Mezzanine level, which no longer exists) seemed distant until I was holding my daughter and watching that old Frosty […]